Tenderlove Making

Road to Ruby Mechanize 0.6.0

I’ve been working pretty hard on merging Mechanize with Hpricot in to what I call Mechpricot, or Hprichanize. Things are going quite well.

I’ve totally cleaned up the Cookie code to use more cookie code from WEBrick, and in the process I found a bug in the way that WEBrick parses set-cookie headers. Unfortunately no one has replied to my patch on ruby-talk, so I think I’ll try ruby-core next…..

I removed the dependency on mime-types in favor of using code in WEBrick. I’d like to have as few dependencies as possible. I would like to make a few more performance tweaks before I release. I’ll see if I can get this completely done before this weekend. Otherwise everyone will have to wait until I’m back from Spain!

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