Tenderlove Making

Valentine's Day

Today is Valentine’s Day. I haven’t posted all month, so I’ll try to do something today. I signed up for Technorati, so that my blog is listed. Now I have to post a link to my Technorati Profile.

I bought a condo, and I’ll be moving in on Monday. Here’s a couple photos:

The kitchen is kinda small, but I like it. You can check out more photos here. I am incredibly glad I’m moving out because my current Super is really terrible. My sink recently had some sort of back pressure and sent water and disgusting stuff out, and my super was dragging his feet getting it fixed. I had to yell at him on the phone before it got fixed.

I was thinking today, I get plenty of hits to my blog every day. I try to talk about making love tenderly down by the fire on a bear skin rug, and yet I have not met any ladies through this blog. Why is that?

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