csspool version 0.2.0 has been released!
Nov 28, 2007 @ 10:42 pmCSSpool (pronounced “cesspool”) is a validating SAC parser for CSS. The parser calls methods on a document handler depending on what it has found. CSSPool currently only supports CSS 2.1. CSSPool will not yield invalid properties or selectors.
Added CSS::SAC::Parser#parse_rule to parse a single rule.
Added CSS::StyleSheet#find_rule for finding a particular rule.
Added CSS::StyleSheet#rules_matching for finding all rules matching a node.
Added CSS::StyleSheet#create_rule for creating a new rule.
Added CSS::StyleSheet#find_all_rules_matching for finding all rules that match any node in the passed in document.
Added .eql? to selector AST
Added .hash to selector AST
Added .eql? to LexicalUnits
Added .hash to LexicalUnits
Added CSS::StyleSheet#to_css
Added CSS::StyleSheet#reduce!
CSS::StyleSheet is now the default document handler