csspool version 0.2.0 has been released!
2007-11-28 @ 22:42CSSpool (pronounced “cesspool”) is a validating SAC parser for CSS. The parser calls methods on a document handler depending on what it has found. CSSPool currently only supports CSS 2.1. CSSPool will not yield invalid properties or selectors.
- Added CSS::SAC::Parser#parse_rule to parse a single rule.
- Added CSS::StyleSheet#find_rule for finding a particular rule.
- Added CSS::StyleSheet#rules_matching for finding all rules matching a node.
- Added CSS::StyleSheet#create_rule for creating a new rule.
- Added CSS::StyleSheet#find_all_rules_matching for finding all rules that match any node in the passed in document.
- Added .eql? to selector AST
- Added .hash to selector AST
- Added .eql? to LexicalUnits
- Added .hash to LexicalUnits
- Added CSS::StyleSheet#to_css
- Added CSS::StyleSheet#reduce!
CSS::StyleSheet is now the default document handler
- http://csspool.rubyforge.org/