Tenderlove Making

Birthdays, and Congrats

I need to post something because it seems like I’m only posting release announcements to my blog……

Today is my sister’s birthday, so I woke her up at 8 this morning to wish her a happy birthday. I wanted to make sure that I was the first person to congratulate her on her special day. Is it OK to say “congratulations” for a birthday? I know Pam doesn’t like to throw around that word without some sort of accomplishment occurring. For example, getting engaged. Should you really congratulate someone on getting engaged since they just made a decision? They didn’t really overcome any obstacles or adversity, they just decided to get married. Anyway, I think that surviving another year is worth congratulating someone.

We will be rollerskating for my birthday, and Pam sent out an evite with this image:

今週日本語のクラスで私とパムさんは「何々つもりだ」と「何々なる」を習いました。私は「パムは茸が好きになる」と言っていました。でも、パムさんは意地悪になりました。Oh well.

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