Tenderlove Making

Parsing Javascript Parser

I’ve been working hard on RKelly lately. RKelly is a ruby implementation of Kelly. Kelly is a fictional project that I made up so that I could name my project RKelly. Anyway, RKelly is a javascript parser, and will be an interpreter someday. Today I was able to get RKelly to parse and produce a parse tree of prototype.js. I couldn’t get GraphViz to export the file, but you can download the dot file here.

Here is a parse tree of a function that calculates the fibonacci sequence:

Here is the javascript code:

function f(n) {
  var s = 0;
  if(n == 0) return(s);
  if(n == 1) {
    s += 1;
  } else {
    return(f(n - 1) + f(n - 2));

And the ruby code that produced that graph:

require 'rkelly'

parser = RKelly::Parser.new
puts parser.parse(File.read(ARGV[0])).to_dots

I need a new computer….. It took 2 minutes to render the prototype graph! Ugh!

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