Tenderlove Making

Ruby Advent Calendar

Every year Japanese Rubyists participate in what is called the “Ruby Advent Calendar”.

Each day leading up to December 25th, one person posts an article to their blog and adds a link to their blog on the Advent Calendar. So, 25 blog posts total. The posts can be about anything related to Ruby.

In my opinion, the Ruby Advent Calendar is about encouraging people to blog about Ruby and help others participate in the Ruby community.

In past years, the articles have mainly been in Japanese. This year, we’re trying to do an English language Ruby Advent Calendar.

@yhara_en was kind enough to add English instructions. I will add screen shots with notes here so that you can more easily participate.

As I’ve said in previous blog posts, I love it when instructions tell you to get coffee because I always do. So here is your opportunity. Go get some coffee!

First, go to this link. Then click the button that says “このエベントに参加登録する”:

Once you’ve clicked that button, you need to register.

The easiest way to register is with your Twitter account. Click the link that says “Twitterでログイン”:

You’ll be taken through the normal Twitter authorization path. That part is in English, so I’m not going to cover it.

Enter your name and website and click save (the button that says “保存する”):

Go back to the Ruby Advent Calendar and click the giant red button again:

This time it will ask you to enter a comment:

So that we can coordinate better, I just said which day I would like to participate.

On your day, publish your blog post, then head back to the advent calendar, scroll to the bottom of the page, and link to your blog in the comments section:

That’s it!

Happy Holidays, and Happy Blurghing!!!

<3<3<3<3<3<3 –tenderlove

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