Tenderlove Making

Ruby Committers Design Contest Update!

The deadline for entry was last night. I’ve compiled a static mirror of all of the entries here.

I am humbled, and incredibly impressed by the number and quality of all of the entries. I can’t thank everyone enough for doing this. The quality of the results is so good, that I would really appreciate feedback from the community.

Please check out the entries list. Carefully review all entries. Then, leave feedback by either voting up the entry on github, or leaving a comment on my blog. I will take all feedback in to consideration tomorrow when I decide the winner.

Remember that when you judge these designs, please judge just the design. If links are broken, or encoding looks wrong, or something is a little bit off, it’s probably my fault. Pick the designs you like the most, and we’ll polish them up after declaring a winner.

Please tell me about all of the designs you like. If you like 5 of them, let me know. It’s also helpful to know why you like those designs.

As I said, I’ll declare the winner tomorrow before 23:59:59 PST.

Again, I really can’t thank everyone enough for doing this. The results are so much more than I could have hoped for, or expected. You have all outdone yourselves! No amount of Love Bucks can repay for the awesomeness I’ve witnessed, the best I can do is keep fixing bugs on Ruby, Rails, and any other project I get my hands on!

Thank you!

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