Tenderlove Making


I signed up my BetaBrite for a twitter account. Now I’m getting twitter messages in my living room. Yay! Leave a comment, or follow me on twitter so I can get your messages on my sign. I think next I will try to wire up a webcam to automagically take pictures.

Anyway, here is the code: ~~~ ruby twitter = Twitter::Base.new(‘betabrite’, ‘%%%%%%%%’)

seen = {} DATA.each_line { |l| seen[l.chomp] = true } twit = nil twitter.timeline(:friends).each do |tweet| next if seen[tweet.id] twit = tweet end

if twit File.open(FILE, ‘a’) { |db| db.puts(twit.id) } puts “#{twit.text} (#{twit.user.name})” bb = BetaBrite::USB.new { |sign| sign.stringfile(‘0’) do print string(“#{twit.text}”) end sign.stringfile(‘1’) do print string(“(#{twit.user.name})”).red end }.write! end END ~~~ My favorite part is that I use the script for its own database. It keeps appending twitter ids it has seen to the end of the file.

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