Tenderlove Making

Instance Variable Performance

Let’s start today’s post with a weird Ruby benchmark:

require "benchmark/ips"

class Foo
  def initialize forward
    forward ? go_forward : go_backward

  ivars = ("a".."zz").map { |name| "@#{name} = 5" }

  # define the go_forward method
  eval "def go_forward; #{ivars.join("; ")} end"

  # define the go_backward method
  eval "def go_backward; #{ivars.reverse.join("; ")} end"

# Heat
Foo.new true
Foo.new false

Benchmark.ips do |x|
  x.report("backward") { 5000.times { Foo.new false } }
  x.report("forward")  { 5000.times { Foo.new true } }

This code defines a class that sets a bunch of instance variables, but the order that the instance variables are set depends on the parameter passed in to the constructor. When we pass true, it defines instance variables “a” through “zz”, and when we pass false it defines them “zz” through “a”.

Here’s the result of the benchmark on my machine:

$ ruby weird_bench.rb
Warming up --------------------------------------
            backward     3.000  i/100ms
             forward     2.000  i/100ms
Calculating -------------------------------------
            backward     38.491  (±10.4%) i/s -    192.000  in   5.042515s
             forward     23.038  (± 8.7%) i/s -    114.000  in   5.004367s

For some reason, defining the instance variables backwards is faster than defining the instance variables forwards. In this post we’ll discuss why. But for now, just know that if you want performant code, always define your instance variables backwards (just kidding, don’t do that).

How Are Instance Variables Stored?

In Ruby (specifically MRI), object instances point at an array, and instance variables are stored in that array. Of course, we refer to instance variables by names, not by array indexes, so Ruby keeps a map of “names to indexes” which is stored on the class of the object.

Let’s say we have some code like this:

class Foo
  def initialize
    @a = "foo"
    @b = "bar"
    @c = "baz"
    @d = "hoge"


Internally, the object relationship will look something like this:

The class points at a map of “names to indexes” called the “IV Index Table”. The IV Index Table contains the names of the instance variables along with the index of where to find that instance variable.

The instance points at the class, and also points at an array that contains the actual values of the instance variables.

Why go to all this trouble to map instance variable names to array offsets? The reason is that it is much faster to access an array element than look up something from a hash. We do have to do a hash lookup to find the array element, but instance variables have their own inline cache, so the lookup doesn’t occur very often.

Setting Instance Variables in Slow Motion

I want to walk through exactly what happens when instance variables are set, but we’re going to do it twice. We’ll use the code below:

class Foo
  def initialize
    @a = "foo"
    @b = "bar"
    @c = "baz"
    @d = "hoge"


Ruby creates the instance variable index table lazily, so it doesn’t actually exist until the first time the code executes. The following GIF shows the execution flow for the first time Foo.new is called:

The first time initialize is executed, the Foo class doesn’t have an instance variable index table associated with it, so when the first instance variable @a is set, we create a new index table, then set @a to be index 0, then set the value “foo” in the instance variable array at index 0.

When we see instance variable @b, it doesn’t have an entry in the index table, so we add a new entry that points to position 1, then set position 1 in the array to “bar”.

This process repeats for each of the instance variables in the method.

Now lets look at what happens the second time we call Foo.new:

This time, the class already has an instance variable index table associated with it. When the instance variable @a is set, it exists in the index table with position 0, so we set “foo” to position 0 in the instance variable list.

When we see instance variable @b, it already has an entry in the index table with position 1, so we set “bar” to position 1 in the instance variable list.

This process repeats for each of the variables in the method.

We can actually observe the lazy creation of the index table by using ObjectSpace.memsize_of:

require "objspace"

class Foo
  def initialize
    @a = "foo"
    @b = "bar"
    @c = "baz"
    @d = "hoge"

p ObjectSpace.memsize_of(Foo) # => 520
p ObjectSpace.memsize_of(Foo) # => 672
p ObjectSpace.memsize_of(Foo) # => 672

The size of Foo is smaller before we instantiate our first instance, but remains the same size after subsequent allocations. Neat!

Lets do one more example, but with the following code:

class Foo
  def initialize init_all
    if init_all
      @a = "foo"
      @b = "bar"
      @c = "baz"
      @d = "hoge"
      @c = "baz"
      @d = "hoge"

Foo.new true
Foo.new false

After the first call of Foo.new true, the Foo class will have an instance variable index table just like the previous examples. @a will be associated with position 0, @b with position 1, and so on. But what happens on the second allocation at Foo.new false?

In this case, we already have an index table associated with the class, but @c is associated with position 2 in the instance variable array, so we have to expand the array leaving position 0 and 1 unset (internally Ruby sets them to Qundef). Then @d is associated with position 3, and it is set as usual.

The important part about this is that instance variable lists must expand to the width required for the index offset. Now lets talk about how the list expands.

Instance Variable List Allocation and Expansion

We saw how the instance variable index table is created. Now I want to spend some time focusing on the instance variable list. This list is associated with the instance and stores references to our actual instance variable values.

This list is lazily allocated and expands as it needs to accommodate more values. Here is the code that figures out by how much the array should grow.

I’ve translated that function to Ruby code and added a few more comments:

def iv_index_tbl_newsize(ivup)
  index = ivup.index
  newsize = (index + 1) + (index + 1)/4 # (index + 1) * 1.25

  # if the index table *wasn't* extended, then clamp the newsize down to
  # the size of the index table.  Otherwise, use a size 25% larger than
  # the requested index
  if !ivup.iv_extended && ivup.index_table.size < newsize

IVarUpdate = Struct.new(:index, :iv_extended, :index_table)
index_table = { a: 0, b: 1, c: 2, d: 3 } # table from our examples

# We're setting `@c`, which has an index of 2. `false` means we didn't mutate
# the index table.
p iv_index_tbl_newsize(IVarUpdate.new(index_table[:c], false, index_table))

The return value of iv_index_tbl_newsize is used to determine how much memory we need for the instance variable array. As you can see, its return value is based on the index of the instance variable, and we got that index from the index table.

If the index table was mutated, then we’ll allow the instance variable list to grow without bounds. But if the index table was not mutated, then we clamp the array size to the size of the index table.

This means that the first time we allocate a particular Ruby object, it can be larger than subsequent allocations. Again, we can use ObjectSpace.memsize_of to observe this behavior:

require "objspace"

class Foo
  def initialize
    @a = "foo"
    @b = "bar"
    @c = "baz"
    @d = "hoge"

p ObjectSpace.memsize_of(Foo.new) # => 80
p ObjectSpace.memsize_of(Foo.new) # => 72
p ObjectSpace.memsize_of(Foo.new) # => 72

The first allocation is larger because it’s the first time we’ve “seen” these instance variables. The subsequent allocations are smaller because Ruby clamps the instance variable array size.

Watching the Instance Variable Array Grow

Let’s do one more experiment before we get on to why the initial benchmark behaves the way it does. Here we’re going to watch the size of the object grow as we add instance variables (again, using ObjectSpace.memsize_of):

require "objspace"

class Foo
  def initialize
    @a = 1
    p ObjectSpace.memsize_of(self)
    @b = 1
    p ObjectSpace.memsize_of(self)
    @c = 1
    p ObjectSpace.memsize_of(self)
    @d = 1
    p ObjectSpace.memsize_of(self)
    @e = 1
    p ObjectSpace.memsize_of(self)
    @f = 1
    p ObjectSpace.memsize_of(self)
    @g = 1
    p ObjectSpace.memsize_of(self)
    @h = 1
    p ObjectSpace.memsize_of(self)

puts "First"
puts "Second"

Here’s the output from the program:

$ ruby ~/thing.rb 

You can see that as we add instance variables to the object, the object gets bigger! Let’s make one change to the benchmark and run it again. This time we’ll add an option that lets us define the “last” instance variable first:

require "objspace"

class Foo
  def initialize eager_h
    if eager_h
      @h = 1
    @a = 1
    p ObjectSpace.memsize_of(self)
    @b = 1
    p ObjectSpace.memsize_of(self)
    @c = 1
    p ObjectSpace.memsize_of(self)
    @d = 1
    p ObjectSpace.memsize_of(self)
    @e = 1
    p ObjectSpace.memsize_of(self)
    @f = 1
    p ObjectSpace.memsize_of(self)
    @g = 1
    p ObjectSpace.memsize_of(self)
    @h = 1
    p ObjectSpace.memsize_of(self)

puts "First"
Foo.new false
puts "Second"
Foo.new true

Here’s the output:

$ ruby ~/thing.rb

On the first allocation, we can observe the size of the object gradually expand as usual. However, on the second allocation, we ask it to eagerly set @h and the growth pattern is totally different. In fact, it doesn’t grow at all!

Since @h is last in our index table, Ruby immediately expands the array list in order to set the value for the @h slot. Since the instance variable array is now at maximum capacity, none of the subsequent instance variable sets need the array to expand.

Back To Our Initial Benchmark

Every time Ruby needs to expand the instance variable array, it requires calling realloc in order to expand that chunk of memory. We can observe calls to realloc using dtrace.

class Foo
  def initialize forward
    forward ? go_forward : go_backward

  ivars = ("a".."zz").map { |name| "@#{name} = 5" }

  # define the go_forward method
  eval "def go_forward; #{ivars.join("; ")} end"

  # define the go_backward method
  eval "def go_backward; #{ivars.reverse.join("; ")} end"

# Heat
Foo.new true

if ARGV[0]
  1000.times { Foo.new false }
  1000.times { Foo.new true }

Here I’ve rewritten the benchmark so that we can control the direction via an environment variable. Let’s use dtrace to measure the number of calls to realloc in both situations.

This case is always going forward:

$ sudo dtrace -q -n 'pid$target::realloc:entry { @ = count(); }' -c "/Users/aaron/.rbenv/versions/ruby-trunk/bin/ruby thing.rb"
dtrace: system integrity protection is on, some features will not be available


This case is forward once, then reverse the rest of the time:

$ sudo dtrace -q -n 'pid$target::realloc:entry { @ = count(); }' -c "/Users/aaron/.rbenv/versions/ruby-trunk/bin/ruby thing.rb reverse"
dtrace: system integrity protection is on, some features will not be available


We can see that “starting from the end” decreases the number of calls to realloc significantly. These increased calls to realloc are why it’s faster to define our instance variables forward once, then backward the rest of the time!

I hope this was an interesting article. Please have a good day!

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